Temporary Location Change

On March 16 and March 23, 2025, we will not meet at our normal location.

Instead, please join us for worship at 10:30 AM at:

2323 Broadway St.

Lubbock, TX 79401

Worship with Us

We meet every Sunday at 10:30 AM.

We also meet for a Bible study each Thursday at 7:00 PM. Please contact us for the address.

Latest Sermon

A new sermon is posted each week. Visit our YouTube channel for more!

Lubbock Reformed Church Commitments

Confessional Presbyterian & Reformed

We are a place where non-Presbyterians and Reformed folks are welcomed, loved, and admitted into membership as fellow brothers and sisters, but we are unashamed of our commitment to the Westminster Standards and historic Reformed liturgy and practice. That includes following a regulative principle of worship, expository preaching, and fidelity to our confession.

Warm, Experiential, Living Orthodoxy

We believe a right view of God assisted by the Holy Spirit will lead to warm, joyful, and vibrant practice. At LRC, this looks like regular evangelism, prayer meetings, a commitment to world and domestic missions, church planting, and a general outward focus. We pray the love of God would mold every moment of our fellowship and worship, that the God of Revivals would grant an overpowering gift of the Spirit, that the Lord would lift up His standard against the enemy, and that the South Plains would ring out with the strong, anointed words of Christ as we go forth into our different callings and vocations.

Organic Discipleship

We believe all Christians are to partake in the work of ministry, not just our elders and deacons. This includes the task of discipleship, which means walking alongside others to help them grow in Christian maturity. A church that faithfully evangelizes will see people coming in at different stages of the Christian life, including those who are new and less mature in the faith. We seek to take them under our wings as the Holy Spirit molds and shapes them into the image of Christ, however long it takes, knowing that we ourselves need such patience.

Family and Kids Friendly

We want to encourage parents who bring their young kids to church, not roll our eyes at them. We want to commend them as examples, not ostracize them. Godly parenting in our world is difficult enough. The church should be a place where young parents are encouraged and assisted, not treated as second-class citizens. We also believe in the importance of regular family worship and catechism, along with including our children in divine service. We believe that when Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me," He meant it. The service is a means of grace for them, too.

Hospitality and Fellowship

We are a church who eats together every Sunday, both at the Lord's Supper and after service at our fellowship meal. We open up our homes and hang out with each other throughout the week, and people in the congregation regularly host our Bible studies and prayer meetings. LRC began its services in a house, and we try to see that the congenial and welcoming atmosphere of such a setting follows us into our current meeting space and outside of it.

We are a mission of the Vanguard Presbyterian Church.

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